Mark a reference line 3/8 of an inch from the bottom edges of the pieces that will be nailed. This will help ensure that the 1-1/4-inch smooth finishing nails are aligned when penetrating the centre of the adjoining board.
Put a thin bead of wood glue on one end of the bottom piece. Align one end piece flush and square with the edge of the bottom piece.
Finish hammering three evenly spaced nails through the end piece to secure it to the bottom piece. Wipe away any excess glue.
Repeat for the second end piece.
Turn the toolbox on its side and apply a bead of wood glue along the bottom edge. Repeat a few inches up the edge of the end pieces.
Align one side piece flush with the bottom and end pieces.
Finish hammering five evenly spaced nails through the side piece to secure it to the bottom and end pieces. Use two more nails on each end of the end pieces. Wipe away any excess glue.
Flip the box on its other side and repeat to attach the second side piece.
Insert the dowel through the holes made for the handle.
Centre the handle so that it extends evenly beyond both end pieces. Hammer one nail from the top of each end piece to fasten the handle into position.